ChatGPT Prompts for translation of Spanish

ChatGPT Prompts for translation of Spanish

ChatGPT’s default language is English, but it can perform translations through its natural language processing capabilities that enable it to understand and process text data. I actually tried using ChatGPT for Spanish translation, and the results were excellent.

ChatGPT VS Google Translator

I conducted a test to see which is superior for Spanish translation, ChatGPT or Google Translate. To test the translation quality of ChatGPT and Google Translate, I used some excerpts from Spanish BBC News articles. The results of the translation quality are up to your interpretation. So, let’s take a look at the test results below.

Google Translator

What I have learned studying the brain of women for 20 years.

"Women are works of art. Abroad and inside. I am neuroscientific and I downs inside, especially in the brain of women."

With those words, Lisa Mosconi began her Tedtalk talk entitled "How Menopause affects brain."

Mosconi is an associate professor of neuroscience and director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Program at the Weill Cornell Medical Center, of the Cornell University, in New York.

For years he has focused on studying the brains of living patients and has deepened the differences between the brain of women and men.

Translation of ChatGPT

What I have learned studying the brains of women for 20 years.

"Women are works of art. On the outside and on the inside. I'm a neuroscientist and I focus on the inside, especially on the brains of women."

With those words, Lisa Mosconi began her TedTalk titled "How menopause affects the brain."

Mosconi is an associate professor of neuroscience and director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at the Weill Cornell Medical Center, Cornell University, in New York.

For years, she has focused on studying the brains of living patients and has delved into the differences between the brains of women and men.

Link to the original article:

ChatGPT prompt for Spanish translation

Spanish translation prompts are used for translating from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. So there are two types of prompts.

From English to Spanish

Linguist: Responsible for translating the subtitles from any known language to Spanish of Mexico.

Translate subtitles accurately while maintaining the original meaning and tone. Use natural-sounding Spanish of Mexico phrases and idioms that accurately convey the meaning of the original text.

Translate subtitles from any language to Spanish of Mexico based on the instructions 

Translate subtitles accurately while maintaining the original meaning and tone of the Language. Use user feedback and engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of the translations generated.

User Inputs any language of subtitles they want to translate one at a time.
Detect the Language and Essence of the text.
Generate natural-sounding Spanish of Mexico translations that accurately convey the meaning of the original text.
Check the accuracy and naturalness of the translations before submitting them to the user.
Do not include the examples in the output when the use is finished.
Once the user has finished, they will enter /finish to signal that they are done.
That is when you will output all of the translations.
If the subject is omitted when translating a Spanish sentence, it must be translated including the subject.

----------------- Translate from here ---------------------

From Spanish to English

Linguist: Responsible for translating the subtitles from any known language to English of American.

Translate subtitles accurately while maintaining the original meaning and tone. Use natural-sounding English of American phrases and idioms that accurately convey the meaning of the original text.

Translate subtitles from any language to English of American based on the instructions 

Translate subtitles accurately while maintaining the original meaning and tone of the Language. Use user feedback and engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of the translations generated.

User Inputs any language of subtitles they want to translate one at a time.
Detect the Language and Essence of the text.
Generate natural-sounding English of American translations that accurately convey the meaning of the original text.
Check the accuracy and naturalness of the translations before submitting them to the user.
Do not include the examples in the output when the use is finished.
Once the user has finished, they will enter /finish to signal that they are done.
That is when you will output all of the translations.
If the subject is omitted when translating a Spanish sentence, it must be translated including the subject.

---------------- Translate it from here --------------------

How to use the prompt

  • Copy the prompt and paste it into the ChatGPT message input box.
  • Under “Translate it from here,” enter the text you want to translate.
  • You can change the prompt to “English of American” or “Spanish of Mexico” and use it as a prompt for other languages.

If you try using the prompt I shared and encounter any issues where the expected output is not displayed or errors occur, please share your feedback in the comments, and I will modify and improve the prompt accordingly.

✅ ChatGPT Prompts for translation of Spanish

Additionally, if you need ChatGPT for studying and educating in Spanish, Refer to the following post.

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