Google opens Bard A.I. global experimental version

Google opens Bard A.I. global experimental version

Google’s deep learning model for natural language processing, Bard, has opened its experimental version globally.

Bard has launched full service in 180 countries worldwide, and even if you try accessing it right now, you can ask and answer questions. There are plans to incorporate the latest language model that supports more than 100 languages, including Spanish, French, German, and more, in addition to English.

(If you want to experience Bard, you can access it here →

Access to Google search engine with Bard

What sets Bard apart from ChatGPT? The biggest advantage is web access. ChatGPT cannot be accessed online and relies on information loaded until 2021. On the other hand, Bard can access Google’s search engine. The ability to access the Google search engine is equivalent to accessing the entire web, which is a significant difference from ChatGPT.

Many AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, use the GPT series, but Bard incorporates the massive proprietary language model PaLM instead. It is evaluated to provide much more suitable answers than the existing large language model called LaMDA.

Nard has also partnered with the image powerhouse Adobe. By combining with Adobe’s generative AI, Firefly, it can answer questions with images or respond to questions asked by uploading an image. Adobe is a company that has developed Photoshop and Illustrator, among others.

More basic features than ChatGPT

Google opens Bard A.I. global experimental version - More basic features than ChatGPT

Bard has a variety of basic features that can be used in the service window. It supports chat history and dark mode, and it also provides various additional features such as directly checking Google search results for questions, 1using a microphone, sharing conversation content, and exporting conversation content. I wonder what other features will be added in the future.

What is the quality of the results?

Google opens Bard A.I. global experimental version - What is the quality of the results

Like ChatGPT, Bard also understands the meaning of questions and provides accurate answers. What made Bard’s responses more useful was that it provided multiple answers at once.

By generating multiple answers to the user’s question, the user can refer to several answers and distinguish the most accurate information.

In terms of response speed to questions, Bard was faster than ChatGPT, and considering the fact that it provides multiple answers at once, Bard’s victory is overwhelming in terms of speed.

Included in Google Workspace products

Google opens Bard A.I. global experimental version - Included in Google Workspace products

Just like Microsoft has incorporated the ChatGPT technology into their products such as Word and PowerPoint, Google also plans to incorporate new features using BERT in their Google Workspace products, including Gmail and document editors.

Although ChatGPT was initially the focus, Google’s counterattack is also expected to be formidable. When asking both BERT and ChatGPT the same question, sometimes their answers were similar, while other times BERT’s answer was more satisfying. For now, it seems necessary to utilize both and search for better answers.

Above all, in the midst of this competition, AI chatbot technology will continue to advance. It seems that we are on the brink of an era where people only need the ability to properly assign tasks to AI.

Personally, I was really looking forward to the release of Google’s Bard A.i. I will continue to use and test Bard in the future, and if I find any useful information, I will share it.

There are no major limitations to using Bard AI, so most users around the world can try it out for themselves. We highly recommend that you try using it at least once.

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